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Alternative and Complementary Therapy

Including acupuncture, chiropractic services, traditional Chinese herbal medicine, and nutritional consultation. In some cases, alternative therapies can be used in place of conventional medicine. In other cases, these therapies are used with conventional medicine (to complement the conventional medicine) to provide the best options of each patient.

Cancer Care Services


Just like humans, cats and dogs can get a wide variety of tumours. Tumours are formed when cells in the body grow and multiple at an uncontrolled rate. This is known as neoplasia. Some neoplasias are harmless, or benign. Others cause harm to the body. These malignant tumours are called cancer. It is estimated that 1 in 4 dogs will have neoplasia at some time in their life. (Cats also develop neoplasia, but the numbers of cats are less well known.)

While learning that your cat or dog has cancer is certainly bad news, it does not need to be an immediate death sentence. Depending on the type of cancer and the location of the tumour, animals can live with cancer for days, months, or even years. A cancer consultation and exam appointment with a veterinarian can provide you with diagnostics and treatment options and help you choose the best course of action. Diagnostics such as medical imaging (x-rays or ultrasound), biopsies, or blood or urine tests can help identify the type of cancer. In some cases, surgery will be option. Other therapies such as medications, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and nutrition can help you and your pet make the best of the time that is left. Progress exams will help you and your veterinarian track the progression of the disease and determine if any changes to medication or other therapies need to be made.

Food Enegetics


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), food’s importance in keeping the body healthy is recognized. In fact, TCM categorizes foods by the different effects it has on the body. For example, beef is a Qi (energy) and Blood tonic, while pork is a Yin and Blood tonic, and chicken is a Qi tonic. These meats are not equivalent, and will be beneficial for different patients. Food energetics can be used to determine foods that will be beneficial for general wellness, and it can also be used as part of a disease management plan. Your veterinarian can provide Food Energetic recommendation as part of a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine examination.

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dates from 4000-5000 years ago. The oldest know text dates from 400 BC. The practice has developed and evolved over the ensuing years, as practitioners gained more complete knowledge of the body. The underlying concept in TCM (and in Chinese philosophy) is balance. There are many different systems comprising the body (and the world) and these systems must be balanced in order for the entire body to function correctly. Additionally, all systems are connected; an affect on one part of the body will affect the entire body. As part of TCM, Traditional Chinese Herbal Formulas are combinations of herbs that are intended to restore balance to the body. Many of the formulas are thousands of years old, although some are of modern formulation.

Dr. Lee uses TCM diagnosis to determine which herbal formula will be most beneficial for her patients. This is the same method she uses to prescribe acupuncture points for her acupuncture patients. The herbal formulas we carry are organically grown and meet regulations to ensure they are pure and free of contaminants such as heavy metals.

Chiropractic Treatment & Myofascial Release


Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to many of the health and performance problems of the horse, dog and cat. Chiropractic does not replace traditional veterinary medicine and surgery, but provides an alternative method of care. There are numerous common stressful or traumatic situations such as the birth process, unusual conformation, training and riding accidents, inappropriate shoeing, and trailering accidents that can cause abnormal or restricted movement to occur in the spine.  If your animal is suffering from conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, lameness, gastrointestinal disease, chronic health issues, or back problems, he or she might benefit from our chiropractic services. Professional chiropractic manipulation can help ease pain, improve flexibility and mobility, and even enhance organ function. Chiropractic therapy can also promote healing and improve range of motion in dogs injured during sporting events.

Chiropractic philosophy is based on the relationship of the spinal cord to the nervous system of the entire body. It primarily involves manipulation of the spinal cord but can also involve manipulation of the leg joints and skull, strengthening or stretching muscles, and post-manipulation exercise. Most animals show no signs of pain or discomfort during therapy. The muscles, fascia and other soft tissues are responsible for supporting and positioning the skeleton. Myofascial release addresses problems with the muscles and fascia that may be contributing to a chiropractic problem.

Chiropractors evaluate the function and structure of the spine, extremities, and skull. Based on their examination and the pet’s clinical history, they then adjust any subluxations (vertebrae and joints that are out of alignment or abnormally positioned). Subluxations are manipulated back into a normal position by using a short “thrust” that is applied very specifically in the correct direction. Because of the expertise required for this technique, chiropractic therapy should only be performed by a qualified doctor.

Dr. Lee is currently the only veterinarian in the Nova Scotia who is certified in animal chiropractic by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA). Dr. Lee has been treating patients with chiropractic for almost 10 years. She uses chiropractic in conjunction with regular western medicine, acupuncture and herbal remedies to create a treatment plan that is tailored to fit the individual needs of her patients. Please contact our clinic to discuss whether your pet is a candidate for chiropractic treatments.

Canine Acupuncture Meridians



Acupuncture can be used to help improve or cure problems your pet might have, including those related to the musculoskeletal, reproductive, neurological, or gastrointestinal systems. Acupuncture can also be used to manage pain and hasten recovery after surgery.

Acupuncture, which originated in China, has been used as a therapeutic treatment option for thousands of years. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body is composed of several pathways called “meridians,” along which energy flows. When disease is present, energy is interrupted, or unbalanced. Stimulating acupuncture points along the meridians can restore energy flow, resulting in improved or cured health problems.

Because the needles used in acupuncture are extremely thin, they cause minimal or no pain and are generally well tolerated by pets. However, incorrect placement of the needle or inadequate sterilization can result in pain or complications, which is why you should only have a qualified practitioner perform acupuncture on your pet.

Dr. Lee is certified in animal chiropractic by the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS). In addition to traditional acupuncture needle treatments, Dr. Lee also treats her patients with laser acupuncture, where a low intensity medical laser is used in place of needles; and electroacupuncture, where a low voltage electrical current is used to stimulate the acupuncture points. Dr. Lee have been treating patients with acupuncture for over 15 years, and has successfully used acupuncture to treat a wide variety medical conditions, from partial paralysis to diabetes.