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PoisonousPlantsMany cats and dogs like to snack on the plants found in our homes and gardens, however some of these plants are poisonous to our pets – and to humans too! Poisonous plants should be kept on high shelves or in hanging baskets where pets cannot reach them. If you have poisonous plants, it may be best to replace them with a non-toxic variety. Here are a few of the more common poisonous plants found in our homes.

Lilies, daffodils and amaryllis

Most members of the liliaceae, araceae and amaryllidaceae families are fatally poisonous to cats. Many are also poisonous to dogs.

Nightshade and the nightshade family

In addition to the deadly nightshade (aka belladonna), the nightshade family also includes tomato and potato. While ripe tomatoes and the ripe tubers of the potato are safe to eat, the rest of the plants – stem, leaves and green fruit – are deadly.

Fruit seeds and pits

Seeds and pits of many fruits, such as the apple and cherry, are poisonous.

Rhododendron and azalea

These shrubs are grown for their bright flowers. All parts of the plants are poisonous.


This evergreen is often grown as an ornamental tree. All parts, except for the flesh of the berries of poisonous.

These are just a few of the poisonous plants that can be found in our homes and gardens. A more complete list and links to resources on poisonous plants can be found in the online version of this newsletter at our website

Web resources for poisonous plants

Acres’ list of poisonous plants – A list of poisonous plants we have compiled over the years.

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants at the ASPCA website – An excellent source of information on both toxic and non-toxic plants.

Copyright 2012 Lynne Semple, Rowan, and Acres Animal Hospital